The blog 5 tips for a successful press release

5 tips for a successful press release

Good Practice PR

72% of journalists prefer press releases. This is what a Cision study reveals: the press release is the preferred source of information for journalists. Far ahead of other corporate content, such as social networks, which are considered less reliable.

5 tips for a successful press release
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The press release is a very effective communication tool... but it still needs to be read. Every day, editorial offices receive up to several hundred e-mails. The vast majority of these press releases will never be consulted. How to get past this first filter 


#1 Manage the frequency of sending press releases  

 Did you know that? In France, only 48% of journalists say they are satisfied with their working relationship with press officers. This is a clear statement 

 They are the first to admit it: journalists are very busy. A continuous stream of press releases floods their mailboxes every day. Sorting through them can be mission impossible.  

 A good way to ensure that your press releases are read is to manage the frequency with which they are sent. How can you do this? By sharing them at the very beginning of the week, preferably on Monday or Tuesday, and by limiting the number of weekly solicitations.   


#2 Target journalists well  

 Your press release is written. All you have to do is send it to journalists.  But which ones? Targeting is a step that should not be neglected, otherwise you'll miss out.  

 Topics, audience, editorial line of the media... are all elements to take into account. And this refinement is not limited to specialization 

 For example, not all sports journalists are looking for the same content. Beyond the differentiation by discipline, some are more interested in results and hot news, while others favor longer formats such as documentaries 

 And, of course, the scope of the information, national or local, varies from one journalist to another. Hence the importance of targeting your contacts from the start!  


#3 Make sure the information is clear  

 At a glance, the journalist must be able to understand the content of the press release: the main subject, the important information and the general context 

 How about trying the "3 key points" technique? Choose three important elements - and only three - in your release: these are the ones you want to highlight first. Check whether these key points are included in the title and conclusion of your press release. A good practice to get to the point.  


 #4 Adapt the format of the press release  

 After the content, the form. A press release must be short. It is a synthetic text that generally fits on one page. Pay attention to the title and heading: they reflect your press release. 180 characters for the title, if you want to be effective, is the usual. The heading should summarize the main points in 2-3 lines. Don't neglect these two elements: if a good title and a good heading will make you want to discover the rest of the press release, the opposite is also true 

 Good to know: the press release is not limited to the text. Do not hesitate to integrate images, videos, audios.... Multimedia content allows journalists to enrich their articles and also offers better visibility to your press release, by promoting natural referencing 


#5 Avoid industry and marketing jargon  

 Promotion or information? Granted, the line is sometimes thin. But no more confusion: a press release is not an advertising medium.  

 To avoid overly marketing-oriented speeches, remember to justify the successes announced with supporting evidence, to explain superlatives - by limiting their use -, to source the figures... In short, keep in mind that a journalist's job is not to promote a company, but to write for his readers. 

Emma Alcaraz