The blog 3 QUESTIONS TO - Episode #4 - Julia Ménayas, Co-founder of Helios – “Cleansing” Your Savings

3 QUESTIONS TO - Episode #4 - Julia Ménayas, Co-founder of Helios – “Cleansing” Your Savings



3 QUESTIONS TO - Episode #4 - Julia Ménayas, Co-founder of Helios – “Cleansing” Your Savings
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She has just raised 9 million euros. The price to pay to support its development in the service of ecological transition. And thus, to honor its promise: to “cleanse” your savings.

Behind this ambitious task, the eco-bank Helios shows its determination to exclusively finance projects in favor of the environment. These projects are detailed in this episode by its co-founder, Julia Ménayas.

Launched in 2021 with 7,500 clients, the eco-bank aims for 100,000 clients by the end of 2023 and intends to differentiate itself from 'traditional' banks, which Julia Ménayas accuses of serving fossil fuels.

For the co-founder of Helios, it's a certainty: the future of banking will be within the realm of ecological transition.

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