MediaConnect : press release distribution platform


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Aurélie Chasset
« To increase our visibility with various media outlets and standardize our communications, we have decided to collaborate with MediaConnect. The tool allows us to create press releases in a simple and intuitive way, while ensuring a high-quality output.
Another advantage of the platform is the ability to target our communication to other media channels, for which we may not necessarily have the contacts (such as local media or those outside the auto/moto industry). »

Aurélie Chasset

Corporate Marketing & Communication Director at GreenYellow

Nicolas Mariotti
« After six months of using the platform, we are enthusiastic about its role in the successful implementation of our press relations strategy in Europe. The MediaConnect teams are attentive, responsive, and proactive, confirming that we made the right choice. »

Nicolas Mariotti

Press and Public Relations Manager at Honda Moto

Isaure Magnien
« We use MediacConnect as a distribution amplifier for our press releases. Thanks to this tool, designed by journalists for journalists, our communications gain in relevance to reach qualified interlocutors who are attentive to our messages. »

Isaure Magnien

Press officer, Parlement Européen

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