The blog IT'S MOVING - Episode #46 - Electra - The race for fast charging stations

IT'S MOVING - Episode #46 - Electra - The race for fast charging stations



IT'S MOVING - Episode #46 - Electra - The race for fast charging stations
IT'S MOVING - Episode #46 - Electra - The race for fast charging stations
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What if charging your electric car took as little time as refueling?
That's the ambition stated in the long run by Electra, a French scale-up specialized in so-called "ultra-fast" charging stations.
Perceived as a barrier to the democratization of electric cars, the question of charging is therefore at the heart of the company's equation, launched in 2021.
In a France that now has 780,000 electric vehicles on the road, out of a total fleet of 38 million cars, Electra has deployed 60 charging station stations across the country, in most major cities. And it plans to reach 2,000 stations in Europe in the long term.
With its president Aurélien de Meaux, we discuss topics such as: France's position in this global race, the impact (or lack thereof) of the energy crisis on charging prices, and the competition from giants like Total, Engie, or Tesla...
And this question remains: will Electra and the European Union be ready for the announced ban on new sales of thermal vehicles in 2035?

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